14:04 This is me now

Answer the questions on your blog. Take away one question you don't like and a new one. Tag 5 other people.
Which perfume do you use? Dior Pure Poison
Song of the day? Det kommer nog senare ikväll..
What's for dinner today? Korv&potatissallad, eller tacorester fr igår
Today's highlight? Skriva PM? Njaa.. Festen ikväll skulle jag tro :) Eller pussas med P, alltid highlight of the day.
What would you really like to learn? Att stoppa fattigdom?
What was the last thing you bought? O-plump från Smashbox
What's your most important goal at the moment? Skriva klart PM:et
What are you going to do tomorrow? Skriva PM, mysa med världens bästa sambo, städa, planera sommaren.
What's the colour of your eyes? Grön-blå.
If you could change something with yourself, what would that be? Ingenting, jag är så jävla nöjd.
If you could be anywhere in the world for the next hours, where would that be? Skåne/New York/Västindien.
Who would you like to meet some day? Backstreet Boys face-to-face, mina barndomsidoler, haha.
What's your favorite piece in your wardrobe? Min svarta ginatricot-top/kjol/klänning.
Three things that make you smile! Patrik, min familj, mina vänner.
What's your favorite TV-series? Grey's Anatomy och Bonde söker fru typ. Tittar inte så mkt annars.
What are you wearing at the moment? Patriks mjukisbyxor, linne från Zoul med bröstficka.
What's your favorite sweets? Choklad ffs.
Who's your role model in life? Mina syskon, utan tvekan.
The last film you saw? Änglar och Demoner igår. Sjukt bra! Se den!
How will your blog develop? Den kommer snart bli lite av en storstadsblogg om livet i Köpenhamn - just wait and see!
What will you do now? Skriva PM..